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The Tree House

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The Tree House classroom supports children with EHC Plans with the life skills they need to be successful, alongside the appropriate academic knowledge for their age and stage.

The use of therapeutic and reflective language with the children in Tree House promotes a deeper understanding of emotions and provides social and emotional learning opportunities for those who struggle with that element of life the most.      

 The Tree House Staff

Name: Amelia Prescott
Job Role: The Tree House Lead

Interests: My classroom is my pride and joy! It is very important to me that the children learn in an interesting, inclusive and immersive environment. I feel very fortunate to work with such wonderful children and staff. At home, I’m mum to Thomas, he’s my best bud! We do all sorts together, and I love every minute we spend together (even when he beats me at monopoly!)

 How I will help you in school: I will create bespoke learning opportunities to help you be successful academically (for your age and stage) and to make progress with personal targets on Education Health Care Plans. I will promote a deeper understanding of emotions through the use of therapeutic and reflective language and provide social and emotional learning opportunities.  I promise to make you feel included, important and add some fun to each day!

If I were a superhero my special power would be: To have the ability to fly! I love to travel, I think it would be so exciting to whiz off and explore exotic places and beautiful beaches whenever I wanted - especially on a typical rainy Sheffield day.​​​​

Tess Burnam - SEND Teaching Assistant